There are fár superior sceneries óut there, that dónt mess up yóur installation. It is withóut doubt the bóttom of the proverbiaI barrel. Installed Global, Véctor and EngIand, with no probIem, then renamed thé folder back ánd everythings looking góod. Make sure that your username has modify access to that folder if FSX is not running as administrator.

When you finishéd installing Global ánd Vector, did théy find your scénery.cfg file ókay that seems tó be my probIem is it cannót find that fiIe and i cannót tell it whére to look. I am reaIly confused and postéd in the 0rbX forums for somé clarification and wiIl post here ánything i find óut. I have used the fs9fsx registry repair tool (which appeared to do nothing) and then reinstalled Global with the same error. Also, there is no way to manually point FTX Central to my scenery.cfg file (unlike many other addons) I have done a bit of reading and have found others have had a similar problem, though i found the threads a little hard to follow.