If you're on Windows or Mac, you can use the Twitch app to install the mod: They also did not require complete darkness to spawn. Note: Prior to 1.18, Toretoises were fed with Cave Roots (from the World module) instead (or Cactus if disabled). If Iron Rods (from the Automation module) are enabled, pushing them onto a Toretoise with a piston will break its ore.Toretoises move very slowly, and can't be leashed, using Minecarts is recommended.Toretoises are 1 block tall, but grow to 1.4 blocks tall if they have an ore.Toretoises will sink in water, and are immune to drowning, fall, and fire damage.When a Toretoise generates ore, it will enter an eating cooldown for 1 minute.
They do spawn like hostile mobs, so you can go back for more.
If the Feeding Trough (from the Automation module) is enabled, the Toretoise will eat from it. The Toretoise will regenerate a random ore each time. Feeding the Toretoise Glow Berries will sometimes have it regenerate its ores. The Backpacks preserve the contents upon the death of the Player and are impervious to Lava and explosions when placed.If you want to take these huge creatures home and use them to generate ores, there's some things you should know. Some of the unique functionalities are a quick tool swap and built-in fluid storage (with an optional hose attachment to spray or drink), sleeping bag and crafting table. All items can be crafted with vanilla materials making this mod independent. The mod also offers some accessories, tools and a few unique items. The collection of over 60 Backpacks offer distinctive functionality and some even have a special ability. A mod that adds an interesting twist to the meaning of wearing a Backpack that can also be placed when the Player gets tired carrying it, with a broad selection for all taste and preferences.
The Adventure Backpack is a mod by Javier Darkona.